Thursday, October 29, 2009

She likes to move it.. move it

For those who don't know the title is a reference to a 90's (i think) pop hit. It reminds me of going to clubs with my friend Jill.

Savannah is getting quite strong, is very alert and growing like a weed. We were hanging out with a 10 mo old recently who is crawling. Savannah watched her quite intrigued. She kept leaning forward like she wanted to get on the floor with her. When I put her down for tummy time she gets her head up good but her arm strength is still somewhat weak. You can tell she gets frustrated so tummy time never lasts too long. I know once she starts moving we are going to chasing her all over the place.
As she gets bigger she is filling into the exersaucer my cousin gave to us. Savannah is reaching out and hitting buttons that light up and play sounds. Its amazing each day to see her progress. It seems like just a couple of weeks ago she didn't want to stay in there long at all and we had to prop her up with blankets. Now we put her in there and she plays alone. We catch her eyes lighting up with excitement and smiling when she plays.
I have tough days as I am sure all moms go throught however I know I am truly blessed to watch Savannah grow and learn.

Feisty baby on board

I consider my husband and I pretty laid back people. Our daughter's personality continues to develop each day and we can tell she is going to be a little fireball. She sure has a feisty side. Just yesterday I was going to visit my family and went to put her in her car seat. She stiffened her back and legs so she wouldn't sit in the seat so I could strap her in. She is definitely going to keep us on our toes!

At the end of the day I am glad we have a "spirited" child vs one who just sits idle!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Daytime TV

Hi all!
I have been pondering what I wanted to discuss for my first post. As you know by now I am staying home with my little bundle. That means we often have the TV on mainly for background noise. I put on the kids' channels so she can hopefully see bright colors and I can talk to her about the different things she sees.
I am noticing some of these cartoons now are quite interesting. What happened to Tom and Jerry? Thank goodness there is the Boomerang channel. I caught an episode of Yogi the Bear the other day. It was so nice to see!
We have hundreds of channels and its amazing to me the amount of crap that is on all day. I used to watch soaps often during college. I have caught a couple of episodes of ones I used to watch - the SAME people are there with the SAME sorted story lines. How nice to see a constant :)
I will say that some of the kids' channels have great picture quality especially with our flat screen. Savannah is often enamored with the colors. She is surprisingly more intrigued when football is on which makes her dad quite happy! :)
I remember the days when I was young and my mom told me to go outside and play. She didn't care what for the most part as long as 1) I wasn't in front of the TV and 2) I wasn't under her feet or fighting with my sisters :)
It will be interesting to watch both TV shows and computers evolve as my daughter grows older as I have watched during my lifetime.

Thanks for taking a MOMent of your day to read this entry. See you online again soon!